And just like that, it is Labour Day Weekend. Time to say goodbye to August, and hello to some much needed routine. Just because the carefree days of Summer are over, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing going on this weekend. Scroll through and see what’s happening on the South Shore this weekend. (We even snuck in a fun Labour Day event for kids.)

What’s Happening on the South Shore Friday August 30th
Aug 30 – From Away at Petite Riviere

From Away and Petite Riviere Vineyards invite you to join them for a night of fresh and energetic Celtic music. In From Away, a new blend of voice, fiddle, guitar and gorgeous Canadian hand-crafted mandolins will take you back and forth between the timelessness of the prairie folk singer and upbeat jigs and driving reels. Tickets are $20 and available via Eventbrite.
Aug 30 – Shawn Hebb at Saltbox Brewery

Saltbox Brewery is bringing back Shawn Hebb, with Larry Murphy on upright bass. Playing blues to folk, rock to country and even a little bit of jazz; Shawn is a singer/songwriter and guitarist who brings a wide variety of musical styles to his compositions and live performances. Music starts at 7pm.
Aug 30 – Still Fired Band at New Ross Legion

Head to the New Ross Legion and start your weekend off with The Still Fired Band. Performing 3 sets of dance-able tunes on this late August night! The “Friday Night Entree” will be available so come on down and make an evening of it, music starts at 8:30pm.
Aug 30 – Live Music at The Rope Loft

The Rope Loft brings back favourites Tom & Cynthia for a night of Jazz in the Pub. Music starts at 8:00pm, hang out on the deck or in the cozy pub and enjoy an evening of music by the water.
Aug 30 – Andrew Frelick Live at Whitepoint

Andrew Frelick performs at White Point Beach Resort Friday August 30th – 8pm-11pm. Come join in on the fun in the Fireside Lounge. Dinner, drinks, an incredible view and live music make it a great night out.
Aug 30 – BernArt …. be aMAZEd! 1 year Anniversary
Come celebrate BernArt’s 1st anniversary with us at Canada’s first art maze! Reduced entrance fees- $10.00.

What’s Happening on the South Shore Saturday August 31st
Aug 31 – Spirit Animal Rug Hooking Workshop

River House Rug Hooking is hosting a workshop Saturday starting at 11:00am. Create a hooked rug depicting your spirit animal. Jane will help with your design and colour planning so you end up with a unique and highly personal mat to cherish for always. The class is $50, please call (902) 527-6405 for more details.
Aug 31 – The Waterman’s Daughter

This will be the first performance of “The Waterman’s Daughter ” in the Atlantic Provinces. Created and performed by Katrina Kadoski, this inspiring story unfolds through original songs, archival photos, original drawings, dramatic narrative, news articles and letters from Lilyan
Don’t miss this first time event Saturday August 31st, 7 pm at the Ice House Theatre. Admission by donation
Aug 31 – Pop Up Thrift Shop

The Collective is having a Pop Up Shop this Saturday at The Barn. Head over to check out their curated collection of vintage wear. There will be men’s and women’s clothes, accessories, shoes, jewelry, and much more for all your back to school shopping needs!
Aug 31 – Helping Animals Lunenburg County – Annual Yardsale

Helping Animals Lunenburg County Society is hosting its Annual Yardsale to benefit domestic animals in need. Find them at the Bridgewater Exhibition grounds, doors open at 9:00am both August 31st & Sept. 1st. Come out and do some treasure hunting for a great cause.
Aug 31 – Walden Summer Bash

Walden Volunteer Fire Department is celebrating its 29th Annual Summer Bash! Once again this year they will be serving up their wonderful Fish & Chips and Scallops & Chips. There will be a variety of local entertainment, canteen, face painting, children’s games, BBQ, games of Chance, 50/50 draws, fantastic bake table, and large yard sale.
Aug 31 – End of Season Canteen at Brooklyn Marina

This is the last weekend for the Brooklyn Marina Canteen for this summer season. The Brooklyn Marina has been a busy place thanks to Sharon Westlake and her helpers. The food is excellent, delicious and reasonably priced. Head on down and help Sharon use up the last of the goodies in her cupboards and express your thanks and appreciation for all they have done!
Aug 30 – Dirt Stache (Music on the Riverbank)

Music on the Riverbank is back with a bonus concert this Saturday afternoon the featuring the musical stylings of Dirt Stache. Head down to the beautiful King Street Court in Bridgewater, music begins at 2:00 pm and admission is free. So come on out and enjoy this family-friendly event.
AUG 31 – Short Notice live on Tancook Island

Make your way over to Tancook Island for an evening of great music and dancing with Short Notice. The Chester based trio, have been together for over 20 years, playing festivals, private events and Summer Concert series. There is a $10 cover, the band takes the stage at 10pm.
Aug 31- Celtic Patio Party at King Street Brew Co.

King Street Brew Co. hosts The Stab Rovers on the patio for a evening of “Mariner Rock and Celtic Shenanigans” from the South Shore of Nova Scotia. Music starts at 7pm, No Cover.
What’s Happening on the South Shore Sunday September 1st
Sept 1st – Wild Weekend Hike : Archeological Discovery

Harrison Lewis Coastal Discovery Centre hosts another Wild Weekend Hike. Join them for an “archeology walk” stopping at archeological sites located near the beach at Thomas Raddall Park and learn about the history of the harbour, the people and how they lived in the area over 1500 years ago. This workshop is Pay-What-You-Can (suggested donation $20/person)
Sept 1 – Lahave Folk Festival

LaHave Folk Festival and Fort Point Museum host the 14th Annual Lahave Folk Festival. The 2019 festival is shaping up to be the best ever. A fantastic line up of awesome Canadian musicians who are excited to make music and help raise funds for this great Canadian heritage site. Admission is $20 on site.
Sept 1st – MBMA Summer Concert Series

The Mahone Bay Music Association presents the 2019 Summer Concert Series, featuring an array of musical genres at the Mahone Bay Bandstand. Enjoy the ocean views right in the heart of Mahone Bay, while listening to great music. The free concert takes place at 1pm.
Sept 1 – Summer Concert Series at Lunenburg Bandstand

The Lunenburg Summer Concert Series offers free weekly concerts on Sundays at 2pm at the Heritage Bandstand and 9:30pm at the Grand Banker. This week stop by and enjoy Simply Words, it is always a great event to attend with friends and family! Sponsored by Lunenburg Folk Harbour Societyand Grand Banker Bar & Grill
What’s Happening on the South Shore- Labour Day Monday
Sept 2 – YMCA Kids Triathlon at the LCLC

Come out to enjoy the inaugural YMCA Kids Triathlon. 15 minute indoor swim, 15 minute outdoor bike ride and 15 minute outdoor fun-run! Kids ages 5-12 are invited to participate. Please register in advance by calling (902) 543-9622 or stop by the welcome desk at the LCLC. Registration is $15 per entrant, all money raised goes to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign and is used at Lunenburg County YMCA
Market Tour of the South Shore
The South Shore is chalk full of great Farmers Markets on the weekends. Let’s take a closer look at some of them shall we?
This week we head out to the Mahone Bay Lions Outdoor Flea Market
Market Round Up
Chester Farmers & Artisan Market: Fridays 9:00am – 1:00pm
Bridgewater Farmers Market: Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
West Dublin Farmers Market: Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm
Hubbards Farmers Market: Saturday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Privateers Farmers Market: Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
New Ross Country Market: Saturday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Shelburne Farmers Market: Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Mahone Bay Lions Outdoor Flea Market: Sunday 9:00am – 2:00pm
New Ross Rural Roots Market: Sunday 10:00am – 2:00pm
Port Medway Crafter and Vendors Market: Sunday 10:00am – 4:00pm
We hope that this helps you make your plans now that you know What’s Happening on the South Shore this Weekend.
Tag us on Instagram on your adventure @SimpleLocalLife or #simplelocallife for a potential repost.
To submit an event for our weekly What’s Happening on the South Shore post, email with event info and relevant links.