Sunday morning I usually grab a coffee and take time to catch-up on some stories I may not have had time to read throughout the week. I thought you might enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee as well.
Thanks for spending part of your Sunday with us. Enjoy the day.
Major piece of mature forest protected in southwestern Nova Scotia
The Nature Conservancy of Canada has bought nearly 1,100 hectares of property, including mostly Wabanaki-Acadian forest, over 25 kilometres of lakefront shoreline and 130 hectares of freshwater wetlands in Upper Ohio, 25 kilometres north of Shelburne.
An incredible move for protecting plant and wildlife species and also developing a property management plan that focuses on conservation and looking at how people can enjoy the area for passive recreational use.
This past summer, she said the NCC surveyed the property and found 300 different plants, including several rare species such as Virginia meadow beauty, swamp loosestrife and long-leaved panic grass. Several endangered lichens were also spotted.
The group noted 66 different bird species; among them 15 rare and three endangered ones, including the Canada warbler. It also found eastern painted turtle and snapping turtle, which are both listed as species of special concern.
The forest itself, which includes eastern hemlock, maples and white spruce, is a rare find. Only one to five per cent of mature forest remains intact in the Maritimes due to centuries of harvesting, said Morozoff.
Radiothon raises over $125,000 for new washer disinfector
Another incredible show of giving, as this years Gift from the Heart Radiothon raised over $125,000 for the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore. Kudos to CKBW and Country 100.7 for being such a generous partner with their time. Bravo to all involved!
Donations are still being accepted by text message until the end of February.
To donate, text “wash” to 4-5-6-7-8 and respond yes when prompted with a question.
You Could Work Here!
Case Manager, Employment Solutions Society– Bridgewater
Employment Solutions Society is recruiting a Case Manager for their Bridgewater office. This is a full-time position from March 2022-July 2022 with potential for renewal.
Case Managers are responsible for assessing an individual’s employment/career needs and identify those who are suitable for case management. Case Managers work with these individuals in a collaborative, client driven process to develop a Return To Work Action Plan (RTWAP). The actions of a Case Manager must address the specific needs of the client as documented in their goals. The Case Manager must support accountability by organizing service delivery that is appropriate, coordinated, and timely to address client needs and desired outcomes.
You Could Live Here!
A special property featured this week, that holds a place near and dear to my heart. My parents are selling the home place where my mother has lived there for 40 years and happily with my step father Clyde for the past 20+.
The next couple pics are from my personal collection. I will miss the garden tours and gifts of rhubarb each year, but to everything there is a season, and we are so excited for them to be settled in Lahave Heights in Bridgewater.

Annual easter egg hunt and dinner Clyde’s enormous rhubarb patch

A perfect home for someone who enjoys a quiet country setting, with beautiful lawns, a vegetable garden, mature flowering bushes, grapevines and fruit trees. Guaranteed many species of beautiful birds will visit if you put up a feeder, as they have been fed faithfully over the years.

Privately set back from the road this mobile home is located on a 1 and 1/2 acre lot only 15 minutes from Bridgewater. An oil furnace and an efficient Pacific Energy Woodstove makes this easy and affordable to heat. The roof has R40 insulation along with 16inch overhangs. The many windows give a more spacious feeling with lovely views of the property set amongst three nicely landscaped lawns. The lot has many types of flowering shrubs, flower gardens, grapevines, and two apple trees. Also 10×50 ft. vegetable garden, large rhubarb patch and approximately 1/2 acre of mature pine trees add to the property. A two storey wired garage with polished concrete floor and an attach woodshed makes a nice addition. A 12×16 ft. deck and a privately located firepit on the lower lawn will add to the enjoyment.

This property is listed with Dave Wilkie of Exit Realty Interlake.
Thank you for spending part of your Sunday with us. Enjoy the day.