It’s been a heck of a ride since I last had the pleasure of checking in with Jennifer here at Simple Local Life. While we’re doing the best we can, there’s been nothing simple about 2020 has there?

We have been so fortunate here on the east coast , lucky because of geography and population but also because we are a fairly obedient lot and that helped too. While we weren’t unscathed by any means, one of my own employees lost her Father in Law due to Covid19 and he wasn’t in a seniors’ home. Overall, we fared better than many.
I keep hearing how we are being held up as a model for the country and can’t help feeling a bit of survivors’ guilt. Right place , right time, our cities are small our coastline a cozy and rugged buffer.

We must not forget that that which makes this region so desirable to visitors is also what employs so many of us
Restaurants, gift shops, studios, galleries, theatres and playhouses are struggling on a life support of their own and many of their employees are out of work. These are frightening and stressful times for this sector. Tourism is a big industry here and a big employer here on the South Shore.

Unless you are heavily invested in mason jar , toilet paper , freezer manufacturing businesses you are probably just doing your best to survive as well. But if you have any discretionary income I urge you to think about every cent you spend on take out, on groceries, on entertainment.

There’s a lot of power in those choices and keeping these businesses going is vital . The pandemic will end eventually and we will need to hustle to make back those lost dollars and preserve the businesses that employ our kids and feed our visitors.

Nova Scotia may be beautiful but it needs our help right now and together we can make a difference… doing the best we can…one buck at a time.
I Love this post! It’s perfect and it’s exactly spot on! Thank you LAURA and SLL!
Lovely article.
Always love reading about your life in and around Chester