For 44 years Ivan Higgins has been the owner-operator and landscape designer of Cosby’s Garden Centre on Highway 3 in Liverpool. His experience, knowledge of plants and creativity has transformed landscapes, into works of art, in Queens County and beyond. Ivan is also a sculpture who works in an unusual medium, concrete.
I found Ivan out behind the main store with Brandon, getting ready to pick peaches. Ivan has a cheerful sense of humour and by way of greeting asks me if I want to help. Instead, after a quick photo, we head into the wonderful world of Concrete Creations.

There is no wrong way to experience the wonder of this garden and plenty of paths along which to wander. Notice how every unique statue is nestled in its beautifully landscaped place with intention. Indeed, everywhere you look you will see something different. Today, Ivan leads the way as we walk and talk.
I like sketching and drawing. When I was younger I did hot wax paintings and murals. Sure, I use a lot of creativity in landscaping planning. Depending on what a client wants. The concrete? I began working with concrete building planters. I guess it was the early 90s where I got carried away from there to the statues. I start with an idea, then I sketch and then sculpt.
We walked to a particular area and he explained the garden had been in his mind long before getting to it. For years although he was working on sculpting, other projects and the running of the business took up a great deal of his time. Then he told me about his friend, Elva Smith.
Elva Smith took my concrete classes. She and I would talk about what we were up to and the different projects we were doing. Elva would tell me I was too busy, but she too was always busy. Elva passed away in 2013, way too young. It was then I decided why wait? Do it now! So I did. You see this area right around here? It is about a 360 ft loop. I call it The Elva. After Elva Smith.

Ivan draws inspiration from varied places including, the landscape and his employees. Many young people have worked at Cosby’s over the years. (Including my son Brent.) They learn a lot about plants and hard work.
Some of them haven’t even ever held a broom before and lots of them usually get the Plant Bug. Mostly starting with a cactus or two and they all learn to mix concrete! I’ve had even had few children and grandchildren of earlier employees come to work for me. On a landscaping job, figuring out where to place plants, I take pictures. I asked one of the guys to stand at a specific spot one time and said *Give me your best Japanese Maple * Well, he struck a pose and I had an idea for a statue. As young people they have great enthusiasm and solve problems in creative ways. It doesn’t hurt that many have been gymnasts.
The garden is full of so many beautiful plants and shrubs. An advantage of touring the garden with Ivan is he knows what every planting is called! He points out delicate frothy small plants, large dramatic trees and everything in between. A gardener’s paradise! Cryptomeria Sheeno , Feeling Blue Cedrus, Peve Starfish Japanese maple. I learned there are more than 20 different Japanese Umbrella pines here. Which aren’t true pines at all. I ask Ivan about garden signs.
I don’t like signs. After more than 40 years in the (gardening) business keeping track of all those little tags in plants, I’m happy not to have signs here. But someday I may do a guide to the plants.

Each sculpture has a story and he always has an idea of where each piece will go as sculpts it. Although Ivan doesn’t usually disclose the meaning behind the sculptures, he did tell me a little about Algar and Foxy Lady.
Algar sits up there on the Fowler Hut. It was built expressly for him. He watches over Foxy Lady. I like to keep the meanings to myself. I don’t want to tell people what to think. I like them to have their own thoughts. Many are happy to share their opinion about everything! One guy came out after less than 10 minutes and said he had had enough. Not for him. But the rest of his group loved it.

As we strolled along one of the paths, we came upon some other visitors who were thrilled to meet the artist! They were enthusiastically taking pictures and praising the garden. Also their love of what they were seeing. Ivan smiled and graciously thanked them for visiting.
Pictures dont do it justice. Its not the same as visiting. When visitors come out and show me their pictures, sometimes they have ones where they are trying to do handstands or copy the poses! Even older people. Everyone has a unique experience and they relate in their own way. Some are quiet and become very emotional. Almost like they need it.

During the winter months, Ivan works on commissions. His work can be found as far as Bathurst NB, the top of the Cabot trail and the Annapolis Valley. In Liverpool, you can see his Hank Snow at the museum of the same name and his Tiger Warrington in Privateer Park.

Winter is also the time of year he conducts weekend workshops where students can make their own Concrete Creations. We began talking about this year’s workshops and ended with the inevitable discussion about covid challenges.
“It is physically challenging working with concrete. Some projects get more modest as a result. Many people do the workshop multiple years. But I’m not sure what will happen this year due to the pandemic. But here, in the garden, we have lots of space for social distancing. You can relax, be outside and not worry about it.”
As we wrapped up Ivan talked about how the garden is still growing, with works in progress and plans for more paths. I took this picture of him between Statler and Waldorf to show how tall the plants are. Yes, they are named after the old hecklers on the Muppet Show.

“I like the people. But my favorite part of this is when I get to visit be in the garden by myself, when it is quiet. (He smiles) I will probably run out of space, maybe out of energy, before I ever run out of ideas.”

I asked Ivan whether he would share the meaning of one of the statues at Concrete Creations as I was getting ready to leave. He agreed, but with a condition.
“You can write about the meaning the piece but dont tell them which one it is. Let them try to figure it out.”

Visit Concrete Creations, just behind Cosbys Garden Centre. A great staycation option to relax, experience art, see lovely landscaping and get a little walking in. When you do I challenge you to discover the statue that is a depiction of:
Being in Total Focus in the Midst of Chaos.
Who wouldn’t like to find that kind of focus?

Have you been to see the spectacular sculptures at Concrete Creations? You could grab a coffee and treat at Five Girls Baking or Main and Mersey and take a delightful stroll behind Cosby’s Garden Centre. You will be so glad you did.
Another interesting article Deborah 👏👏👏 . You captured the artist and his love for his creations beautifully. Our next trip to Queens County will definitely include a trip to Cosby’s garden and sculpture creations 💕