Oh January, why must we struggle so? Its taken me awhile to get back into the groove of things after the Holidays, but I notice the days getting just a little bit longer and we have had some lovely days with the sun shining. Part of getting back into the groove is getting back into …
Meal Planning
Meal Plan Monday
I posted my meal plan last week and it garnered a fair bit of attention and feedback. We all need to eat…three times a day…you need a plan, or I do at least. Welcome to Meal Plan Monday. This weeks meal plan is from the Atlantic Superstore. This week I am making: Easiest Ever Spaghetti …
Meal Plan Monday- Atlantic Superstore
I feed a lot of people in a week. There are 5 of us, plus we have a hockey billet living here currently, plus girlfriends, plus teenage friends, etc, etc. I currently prepare meals for 6-8 people most nights. That requires a plan. I’ve tried to “wing it”…it’s a disaster…of epic proportions. I am a …