Slow Cooker Beef Stew

Oh….November. With your pesky brisk winds, shortened day light, and the occasional flurries swirling in the air…you know what we need? Comfort food. Nothing says comfort food more to me than a bowl of warm beef stew. This slow cooker beef stew is definitely worth a try This is a Sunday favourite of mine and …

What I Learned My First Year of Blogging

November 6 2015, I hit publish on a post called I Should Start a Blog. I think I bought the domain name Simple Local Life back in September of that year and had written several draft posts but hadn’t published anything until that time. I spent a ridiculous amount of time watching you tube videos …

Meal Plan Monday

It’s Monday…thank God. We just went through a crazy, jam packed weekend with a 3 road trips, volleyball, hockey, a conference, and a pot luck. It was all good, but honestly I’m thankful for the routine of a week day after a slightly exhausting few days. But so is life, and this time we are …

How to Simplify and Enjoy the Holiday Season

We’ve all been there…the last minute scrabble through a crowded mall looking for the perfect gift…running from grocery store to grocery store trying to locate the 1 or 2 ingredients for the “It won’t be the Holidays without (insert traditional family recipe name here)!”  Who can forget the stress and exhaustion of trying to get …

Meal Plan Monday

Ok…I slipped. I got busy and decided to just “wing it” the last few weeks as far as meal planning went. It wasn’t pretty. There were a few pizza boxes here and there, some of those chicken tenders and tators, and multiple times I went to cook something, but realized I didn’t have all the …

Sunday Morning Coffee

Sunday mornings I usually take time to catch up on stories I may not have time to read through the week. Thought I would share some that caught my eye this week, maybe you will enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee as well. As season ends, Glenora Inn and Distillery drinks to a ‘banner …

Apple Picking means Apple Crisp

What says fall more than apple crisp? It’s a perfect way to use up some of the season’s delicious apple crop while making your house smell heavenly at the same time. Each year my daughter goes apple picking with her best friend and her family. They head out to the Valley and make a day …

Simple Celebrations- TGIF Chips n`Dip Club

Last week was a tough one. You know the ones where the days blur together, family life seems overwhelming,  work pressures are building and somehow you are expected to navigate it all AND have a somewhat healthy meal ready at the end of each day. Yup, it’s too much sometimes. When I have one of …

Sunday Morning Coffee

Sunday mornings I usually take some time to read stories I may not have time for through the week. I plan to share some of my favourite links here so that you might catch up on them as well with your Sunday morning coffee Kids need breaks from year-round sports grind, says Soccer Nova Scotia …