We’ve been in a real cold snap recently, and this week was particularly harsh, with snow and freezing rain. I know a lot of people who like to travel down south during this time of year, and often begin a countdown to when they are feeling the heat of the sun and sand between their …
How to Organize a Freezer Meal Cook Day
What are you having for dinner tonight? How about tomorrow? What’s the plan for the next day when you’re working late and the kids all have to be in different places? Sound familiar? This is the all too common reality facing so many people each week. The never-ending question…”what’s for supper?” You know what helps? …
Meal Plan Monday- Freezer Meals
Well, I had quite the weekend! There was some cooking, some relaxation and some big firsts. I have been feeling a bit unmotivated lately when it comes to cooking…mostly…I am tired of it. I enjoy cooking, but there are times I just feel I need a little break. I may have mentioned to the kids …
Sunday Morning Coffee
Sunday mornings I usually take time to catch up on stories I may not have time to read through the week. Thought I would share some that caught my eye this week, maybe you will enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee too. Down to zero: How this Ottawa entrepreneur plans to change the way …
Let’s Meet for Lunch- Little Red Barn, Wileville, NS
I love a good red and white checkered tablecloth. Like…seriously…love it. It’s just warm and inviting and makes me think of picnics and gathering together. And food…good food. Good news…The Little Red Barn can help with all of that! The Little Red Barn is located in Wileville, just on the outskirts of the town …
Meal Plan Monday
So…that was March Break I guess? It went really quickly and we finished it off with a snow storm…UGH! We didn’t go far but we did have a good week with another visit to The Barn and a little more Forced Family Fun. My youngest even made a batch of M&M Springtime Cookies today, paying …
Sunday Morning Coffee
Sunday mornings I usually take time to catch up on stories I may not have time to read through the week. Thought I would share some that caught my eye this week, maybe you will enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee too. LighthouseNow: South Shore businesses put out call for workers After a “Workers …
Forced Family Fun- Skating at the Oval
It’s March Break this week here in Nova Scotia. I have three teenagers home plus a girlfriend who visits frequently. I really enjoy having the kids here and am lucky in that I have a fairly flexible schedule, but these breaks can make me quickly feel like I am a cruise director. I embrace the …
Meal Plan Monday- March Break Edition
Ok, I’m keeping it real here, it’s March Break this week and all my kids are off and home. We usually don’t jump on a plane and head to the beach, we stay close to home, plan a few things and also just “go with the flow” and maybe even try to feel the “break” …
Sunday Morning Coffee
Sunday mornings I usually take time to catch up on stories I may not have time to read through the week. Thought I would share some that caught my eye this week, maybe you will enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee too. She Said: Turning Friendly Into Friendship – Pickle Planet Moncton This post …